Lose Weight drink BFFJava. OK, it's that time of year whenever we start to think about our summer bodies and losing the weight gained over the holidays. I have a unique solution: Instead of reaching for a desert at the end of your meal, reach for a PIE Slice K-Cup or two. You'll get to taste the pie, with way less calories and get a little caffeine to boost your metabolism. What could be better? And with 10,240 variations over 4096 flavor profiles, you can drink 5 Slices a day and not have a repeat variation for over 3 years nor a repeat flavor profile for over 26 months! Now that is worth posting and re-posting everywhere. I've listed all 4096 pie slices below. Each one is available as ground or K-Cup. Most are also available as a whole , real pie. Most are available as a latte in the coffee shop, and we are working on the other form.
What adventure you may query? Simply put, how long will it take you to experience every one of our new K-Cup flavor profiles, all 4096 in caffeinated and 1/2 caffeinated? And 2048 in decaffeinated? How is it possible to get that many flavor profiles? Easy, they are all pie flavor profiles, all created and baked here one time or another over the last 36 years. Converted to Slice of Pie in a Mug.
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